Auto cs auto taxi

hi guys im new here :slight_smile:

wonder if anybody can help me, im trying to run auto cs and auto taxi script I got off GitHub.

it runs ok, but need to characters to make there own TPS after killing the seal boss as its causing a problem maybe 3/10 runs ….

any help appreciated.

classic of course


I guess you are talking about wiener’s script but it would help if you add the link.

I am talking about wieners script actually :))

basically ive figured out how to make there own tp now, so GG :slight_smile:

but when I set the sorc to get ES and Not kill DIA
and pala to kill dia and get es , the sorc finds es and makes tp in A1 and stays idle, and the pala kills dia w/o exp shrine

damn ive basically done it again and started from scratch, and now the sorc opens all seals and makes tps at all seals at a fast pace not giving my chars time to kill . help please ^^:D

ok update ,

the sorc will now fight at the seals or go to town and wait for pala to clear, which is fine, but when my characters return to town she dosent continue the run, and if she fights at the seal she goes idle. driving me crazy


sorry for the spam , but ive actually figured it out finally… :smiley: so GG

only one issue I have left is Creating games delay, my lead creates every ten seconds, even though I set it to 60 seconds on bot lead . not sure why , must have something to with the script ?

Make sure you restart your profile once you’ve modified d2botlead.

yeh ive done that now, easy when you have some patience I suppose ^^:smiley:

Hello 5noop.

do you know if theres a way to modify the script so the sorc always opens tp at any bosses in cs or urdars on the river ?


Yeah there are probably several ways to do it. One would be to add a function to NodeAction which would check every monsters around and make tp if it’s the right mob type.

can you help me please ? :slight_smile:

Sure but I don’t have the time to code it for you :wink:

haha , well im stuck then , literally took me 3 days to get where I am haha :slight_smile:

you sound like an intelligent guy ( sucking up btw ) , surely it would take not so long ?:slight_smile:
or can you give me some direction on how to do it .

thanks again

Is nodeactions are found in Pather.js right? Op download note++ open pather.js line 578 i believe is the area that could be useful to you.

good luck

Do you still active with this?

i cant get the bots doing things right.

U mby have discord mate where i can ask questins?


I need help sorc just sits a wp with din