AutoSmurf Video Tutorial on Youtube

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thank you!


I updated the 2018’s files to the latest d2bot-with-kolbot. I also found few errors in the …xpac.nip files.

I shared the files on repository

Thank you, mf22! The nip-files in AutoSmurf are not good enough. You know that it will take much time to edit them if you want they work perfectly. So I did not spend too much time on it.

By the way, I read your looting setting, I think it is great. But when I test looting, the bots cannot loot the dead friend’s corpse. How to loot it? I add some scripts in some bots such as diablo & baal. The code are as follow:

if (me.playertype === 1 && me.mode !== 17) {

this.looting is as following:

this.looting = function () {
	var party = getParty();

	do {
		if ( !== && party.mode === 17) {
			Pather.moveTo(party.x+rand(-1, 2), party.y+rand(-1, 2));
			clickMap(0, 0, party.x, party.y);
	} while (party.getNext());

	return true;

But it did not work. How did you test successfully? Did the bot loot the other corpse automatically or you loot it manually?

I am looking forward to your help.



I added that only for manual playing with HC characters, manual played leader + followers. That only help you to automatic set the accept of corpse looting, and to not have to set that manually in every d2 player window. It also block the dead player in an endless loop to not leave the game,

I didn’t thought to implement for the remaining team players to search for the dead body and pick it.

Ok, I see.
I never got the dead bot corpse. I lost 2 enigmas this HC ladder. If the bots can loot corpse automatically it must be great.

Anyway, thank you a lot!


Hey guys, i get this error when i start the bots for autosmurfing , i use sorc/barb combo, if anybody knows how can i fix it please, is there anything i need to set up in config.js cuz i don’t know :smiley: tnx
The errors are:
“[error (144)| File(kolbot\libs\common\config.js:1) SyntaxError: illegal character
[error (1)| File(kolbot\default.dpj:95:) ReferenceError: Config is not defind”
So yea i kinda don’t know what’s going wrong since iv put the right names at the autosmurf part in the config.js

You only copy Sorceress.XXXX1 and Barbarian.XXXX1 files and paste them, then rename them to your character name (change XXXX1 into your character name).


I made a fresh 3 team autosmurf run to test everything out from scratch. Everything is working up until act2 arcane sanctuary where the bot attempts to teleport to summoner but completely runs out of mana in 2 clicks and stalls out and exits the game with the following errors in log:

Error in AutoSmurf (misc.js #753) Third arg must be a Unit. (Area: 74, Ping:94, Game:

Is there a workaround to have the team run the arcane sanctuary instead of trying to teleport to boss?

i did from the start but the error i get is from config.js not from character config, i’ll have a look in config.js for what i have to set up there

You should buy a belt for bots if they still used sash. Specially the leader needs more mana.

The video is Chinese, but the image is clear. If you do not know Chinese you still see the video.

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Ok will do, thanks for a quick reply!

When I’m in act 2, say my leader and another character got the dry hills way point, but one of the smurfs had not quite gotten there before the team left. When it joins the next game the characters are stuck because the follower goes the exit of act 2, while the other ones take the waypoint of dry hills an they “wait” for each other until they time out.

How do I make them all go to the lowest part each game? that way my characters aren’t getting separated and stuck? ( I did not mess with the bots I just have noticed this happens is it just prior to the sorceress getting teleport?)

I don’t know if anyone here can help me but I just make my own necro summoner script, for autosmurf,rewrite the pickit/xpac/skill, stat …all is working fine. Now im trying to figure how i can change the positionning at the star in chaos sanctuary, where diablo spawn. He just stand exacly where diablo spawn, so i got mass of chicken. My sorc and barb is standing at a good place, the same place i want my necro to be to. My necro is setting as follow bot and running it as 4 team member.

Any info are welcome.

I know its 2 years later… but is there a way to get your team to level up to lvl 40 and then stop, without doing baal quest in normal? You know, to create bumpers. Or is there another way entirely to level up bumpers?

after, you can add another variable:

		stopLvl = 41,

then before you should add the stopping of the run:

		if (me.diff === 0 && me.charlvl > stopLvl) {
			D2Bot.printToConsole("reached max level for bumper");

maybe rusher - rushee team can be set.

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