Baal waves

Since their isn’t a post here yet, i’ll start.

We all know it. Baal laughs, and some seconds later a red bowl appears and a wave drops.

I noticed that if you aren’t in the throne, when baal happens to laugh, you dont see the red bowl. What happens is that the monsters suddenly spawn.

So, how to detect this? I looked with a packet sniffer and filter out all common packets. And found out that it is: 0xA4.

The rest of the information of 0xA4 seems to be some kind of counter, but i haven’t looked closely to the rest.

So, how to detect it?

var tick;
addEventListener('gamepacket', function (bytes)  {
                // Quickly return if it isn't the desired packet.
                // This will avoid the "too much recursion" issues @ javascript
                if (bytes[0] !== 0xA4) {
                    return false;

                // 0xA4 -- Throne is ready.  Listed as a undefined packet by the general info about the packets but that is what it means.
                // Its what triggers the typical "baal laugh" after you finished a wave, or cleared the throne.
                tick = getTickCount();
                return false; // False to not block the packet