Bot wont switch skills for immune boss mobs

i have it setup right but for example when it runs into a light immune elite mob it focuses the thing thats light immune with lightning and i want it to use chain lightning to kill everything around it so my merc can 1v1 it ez.

Config.AttackSkill[0] = -1; // Preattack skill.
Config.AttackSkill[1] = 49; // Primary skill to bosses.
Config.AttackSkill[2] = -1; // Primary untimed skill to bosses. Keep at -1 if Config.AttackSkill[1] is untimed skill.
Config.AttackSkill[3] = 53; // Primary skill to others.
Config.AttackSkill[4] = -1; // Primary untimed skill to others. Keep at -1 if Config.AttackSkill[3] is untimed skill.
Config.AttackSkill[5] = 53; // Secondary skill if monster is immune to primary.
Config.AttackSkill[6] = 53; // Secondary untimed skill if monster is immune to primary untimed.

well i figured it out myself.

Config.AttackSkill[0] = -1; // Preattack skill.
Config.AttackSkill[1] = 53; // Primary skill to bosses.
Config.AttackSkill[2] = -1; // Primary untimed skill to bosses. Keep at -1 if Config.AttackSkill[1] is untimed skill.
Config.AttackSkill[3] = 53; // Primary skill to others.
Config.AttackSkill[4] = -1; // Primary untimed skill to others. Keep at -1 if Config.AttackSkill[3] is untimed skill.
Config.AttackSkill[5] = -1; // Secondary skill if monster is immune to primary.
Config.AttackSkill[6] = -1; // Secondary untimed skill if monster is immune to primary untimed.

// Low mana skills - these will be used if main skills can't be cast.
Config.LowManaSkill[0] = -1; // Timed low mana skill.
Config.LowManaSkill[1] = -1; // Untimed low mana skill.

/* Advanced Attack config. Allows custom skills to be used on custom monsters.
 *	Format: "Monster Name": [timed skill id, untimed skill id]
 *	Example: "Baal": [38, -1] to use charged bolt on Baal
 *	Multiple entries are separated by commas
Config.CustomAttack = {
"andariel": [49, -1],
"duriel": [49, -1],
"mephisto": [49, -1],
"diablo": [49, -1],
"hephasto": [49, -1],
"Baal": [49, -1],
"diabloclone": [49, -1],
"Pindleskin": [49, -1],
"nihlathak": [49, -1]