Follower JoinDelay

Hello, i apologize for posting multiple times, new to this.

My follow bot is joining my baal games too slow which, then game gets filled too quickly

I googled it and saw this script,(below) i added my profile “Leecher” and put 1 second. The follow still is taking about 4 seconds to join the leaders game.

Can anyone assist?

// Advanced config - you don’t have to edit this unless you need some of the features provided
var AdvancedConfig = {
/* Features: Override join delay for each profile

* Format *:
	"Profile Name": {JoinDelay: number_of_seconds}

* Example * (don't edit this - it's just an example):
	"MyProfile1": {JoinDelay: 3},
	"MyProfile2": {JoinDelay: 6}

// Put your lines under this one. Multiple entries are separated by commas. No comma after the last one.

“Leecher”: {JoinDelay: 1}


why don’t you try D2BotChannel.dbj

If you have only 1 follower, the join delay isn’t needed. Only for more followers the joining/leaving delays should be set.

Maybe you should set some delays between games. MinGameTime: from starter script can help you to stay in lobby a while, and to not have too many games/h, if you are running your bots from the same IP.

D2BotFollow is using the shared gameInfo between multiple profiles on the same d2bot manager. It is a silenced way to join a game.

I use D2BotChannel.dbj with 7 acc and friend too and it goes perfect

Just to make things clearer:

You are trying to run a follower bot that joins your manual done runs or are you trying to run 2 bots where one follows/fights with the other?