Hi everyone, i’m a diablo2 LOD player since years 2000 and a proffessional web developer.
I used d2bs bot for a while now(by the way big thanks to everyone involved to make this project work) and i’m interested in helping the community with project maintenance, feature development or whatever is needed
Feel free to PM if you need help or have any question regarding kolbot or web programming in general, i’ll be keen on helping.
Do you have a github account?
I can add you on https://github.com/blizzhackers. There are also some private repositories.
You can also join the discord, and ask @noah about your intentions.
I personally believe that the game D2 and it’s additions, bots and editors from communities, developers and supporters, deserve a place above Rembrandt and beyond OpenBSD in a Dutch museum. It’s been a lot of company for me last fifteen years.
A week ago, I cubed my last Pul to get Infinity in an eth CV soxed by Larzus, respeced my follower sorceress to TOTAL LIGHTNING PWNAGE, and my main sorceress with all possible safety measures, including merc Delirium helmet and TOTAL COLD PWNAGE.
After that I just sat for an hour and a half, drinking a few beer, watched them clear up Chaos Sanctuary and felt like a twelve year old boy again. They aren’t lesbians BTW (the sorceress) they sometimes kiss each other on the lips but not in the sexual way.