1-We are agree that the bot will make the runeword Lore if Config.MakeRunewords = true ?
2-and “KeepRunewords.push” is MANDATORY to keep the runeword, otherwise it will reroll infinitly right?
3-I do have to put the base(s) item(s) in the pickit.nip so the bot will start collecting the runes after it find the base helmet 2 soc?
4-Why the hell it doesn’t work? no 2 soc helmet found in 4 days of botting
5- is it possible to make the bot do only this runeword once, so I don’t have 20 Lore in my inventory?
6- I’m I doing something wrong with pickit.nip of those base items? I made some mistakes maybe?
2 yes, according to lines 113-125 from Runewords.js
3 yes, but you can also pick normal helms (maybe a defense stat value should be added) and use the cube socketing Config.Cubing = true; Config.Recipes.push([Recipe.Socket.Helm, “Bone Helm”, Roll.NonEth]); // Socket nonethereal Bone Helm
4 … maybe the areas aren’t proper for dropping socketed items
5 idk, maybe a condition for defense should be added in the pickit for helms
6 … maybe some of the condition should be removed and the low level armors. why high level armors aren’t included?
([name] == mageplate || [name] == duskshroud || [name] == wyrmhide || [name] == scarabhusk || [name] == wirefleece || [name] == greathauberk || [name] == archonplate)
check The Arreat Summit - Items: Elite Armor
[type] == armor && [class] == elite || [name] == mageplate
Lore is just an exemple frankely, I’m running autosmurf with autobuild/autoequip and I would like that the bots do some cheap/easy runewords and autoequip them. It works for spirit sword/monarch but doesn’t on stealth/lore/insight/ancienpledge/smoke --> the base items aren’t keep for those runeword
Roll.NonEth does’t seem to be mandatory, it works without it for spirit sword/monarch. Nonetheless I updated all runewords with it, we will see.
High level armor aren’t included because they require too much str.
Areas are proper, I used this pickit to clean a lot of areas (act4, act1, act5, cow…), the bot found 5 broad sword (no cristal?) and 2 monarch 4 soc… plenty of 2 soc armor/helmet should have drop xD
Trying this now, can someone check if there is any mistakes?
I fixed it by adding defense to requirement, and deleting a pickit line in autobuild (bot were set to pick ONE helmet/armor white in autobuild, and same with socket armor/helm in normal pickit).
Now I’m looking for a way to make one and only runeword type per char.