So initial BO they all meetup in catacombs act 4 then i tried to copy paste that script and moved it for when they all get to chaos sanctuary. 3 characters running 3 different areas but 7:30 is the limit so i need to re-bo them again. Any clue on how i do this??
for HC players, @nag0k wrote a script with barb staying on catacombs whole game.
For BO getters you should edit some area scripts, by adding the movement to Bo area.
I added some changes for the previous shared script of nag0k in + but some of the changes were reverted in
- the char config lines + libs/bots/BoBarbHelper.js will be only for barbarian
- other chars who need getting bo, should be moved in BO area by adding in the running area scripts, depending of the lower value between BC-BO-Shout skill duration of the barbarian helper:
Pather.useWaypoint(35, true); // go to BO area
Pather.moveTo(me.x + 5, me.y + 5, 5, true);
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