Kolbot Chicken issue resolved: Fixed rejoin issue

I know the post says fixed, and I am about 90% of the way, but I need some help. Im sure given enough time I could finish these last few issues, but I havnt coded in years, and I’m sure someone who is current in coding can finish these small issues quickly and easily.

Now, I wrote this script in auto it version The only issue is I forget how to get the script to stay on in an infinite loop so it keeps pixel searching every 30 seconds or whatever. Its a pretty basic script and could use some editing by some more talented coders who have time, im sure it could use a little tweaking but the basic construct is there and it does function. It is my hope that someone will pick up the work I have started to fix this annoying issue of hanging out in channel after chicken while waiting for leader to finish current run and start over. At this time, its not 100% working, you can click “Start” when its in channel though and it will restart the script which triggers the join game sequence.

In theory, when you click start, it should do a pixel search and it will look for the D2 Fire in the upper right corner of the screen, and if the yellow/orange is detected the script will reload. What I want is for the script to stay on an infinite loop and continue pixel searching every 30 seconds or so to detect if in game or not. If not in game then reload! You all get the idea.

Before I post the script, please be aware, I did not include any .ini files for settings that need to be edited for each individual pc. My window name is my profile name so you can replace PSNecro with your profile name so it will activate the proper window.

I hope someone is willing to pick this up and finish it, it would really be a big improvement on the whole bot. here is the script:


#include <GUIConstantsEx.au3>


Func chickenreloader()
; Create a GUI with various controls.
Local $hGUI = GUICreate(“ChickenReloader”, 400, 200)

; Create a button control.
Local $idButton_Start = GUICtrlCreateButton("Start", 120, 170, 85, 25)
Local $idButton_Close = GUICtrlCreateButton("Close", 210, 170, 85, 25)
Local $idButton_align = GUICtrlCreateButton("Align", 310, 170, 85, 25)
Local $SPixel = PixelSearch (0, 0, 742, 63, 0xECA038)
; Display the GUI.
GUISetState(@SW_SHOW, $hGUI)

Local $iPID = 0

; Loop until the user exits.
While 1
    Switch GUIGetMsg()
        Case $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE, $idButton_Close

        Case $idButton_Start
            ; Starts pixel searching to reload kolbot script if necessary.
            $iPID = WinActivate ("PSNecro")	
			If isarray($SPixel) = True then
				send ("{ALTDOWN}")
				send ("{HOME}")
				send ("{ALTUP}")
				send ("reload")
				send ("{ENTER}")
				send ("{HOME}")
				if @error then delay(10000)
		case $idButton_align =	WinMove("PSNecro", "", 0, 0)

; Delete the previous GUI and all controls.

If $iPID Then ProcessClose($iPID)

EndFunc ;==>Example