Kolbot (with AutoSmurf) for Diablo II 1.13c released in Chinese blog

maybe you should open a new issue there, instead commenting on an older, closed one

EDIT: … saw https://github.com/noah-/d2bs/issues/45


I would like to download your 1.13D version (d2bot-113d_last_2015_12_27_AutoSmurf.zip)
This is your link:

But I am unable to download from chinese website.
Can you upload to Google Drive please.

that bot files, you will find them in mf22 some topic post. you can search mf22 old posts.

I have just searched, there is no available download link for your 1.13d version of D2bot with Kolbot, can you upload to Google drive please

Apart from including the AutoSmurf, my 1.13d was same as mf22’s one. In fact I downloaded mf22’s one and then I inserted the AutoSmurf into the bot.

I need D2bot with 1.13D that supports Kolbot.
I am able to use 1.13D with an old version of D2Bot, but the old D2Bot does not have the “InfoTag” feature in profile, so I cannot run my custom scripts in Kolbot.

This is why I would like to download your 1.13D Version that uses the updated D2Bot.



I told you I also downloaded it and I never modified it. I got it from the following post:

About D2BS version 1.5 source code for D2 1.13d
In that post, mf22 replied and provided a link:
I downloaded from there and then inserted my AutoSmurf into it, that is all.

But when I downloaded your 1.13c D2bot, you have the new D2Bot interface. How did you get the new D2Bot to load with such an old version?

但是当我下载你的1.13c D2Bot时,你有新的D2Bot界面。你是如何让新的D2Bot加载到这么旧的版本中的?

That is what you must research. You can decompile so that you should analyse.

Ok, one last question.

Your 1.13c with D2Bot and Kolbot Support.

Did you modify the pointers etc of noahs latest 1.14d source: D2BS_VERSION L"1.6.4U"
to work with 1.13c.

Or did you use an older version of D2BS and get a different version to work in D2Bot and 1.13c?





I don’t know what you mean.

Hi there!
Is there any guide to configure this version?
I’m trying to get it to run on a private server using version 1.13c, but I get these errors.


I’d appreciate your help.


You do not use my program. I can not help you.

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old link was cancelled.

The new link is https://www.cnblogs.com/dark-f