Manual AutoAccept party & Faster tele

  1. Currently, I have my bo barb set to automake games as leader, yet I play on my paladin and sorceress as manual using the D2BotMap, is it possible to make my manual characters automatically accept invite from the barb? ( Barb currently auto invites but I have to manually accept and want it automatic if possible)

  2. Again playing on D2BotMap I notice with my teleport it isn’t anywhere near as fast as when I hit a hot key to teleport as it has a delay even setting fcr to 255 so I consistently get hit and get stuck in fhr or blocking and was wanting to know if I am missing something to speed up the teleporting.

below is what it is set to

// Speedup config. Full packet casting is not recommended for melee skills.
Config.FCR = 255; // 0 - disable, 1 to 255 - set value of Faster Cast Rate.
Config.FHR = 255; // 0 - disable, 1 to 255 - set value of Faster Hit Recovery.
Config.FBR = 255; // 0 - disable, 1 to 255 - set value of Faster Block Recovery.
Config.IAS = 255; // 0 - disable, 1 to 255 - set value of Increased Attack Speed.
Config.PacketCasting = 2; // 0 = disable, 1 = packet teleport, 2 = full packet casting.
Config.WaypointMenu = true;

is currently how it looks.

  1. (Trying to not make another post so using an edit) is it possible to access your stash from town hitting a hotkey? to transfer gold/items in and out?
  1. Set Config.PublicMode to 2. But if you use D2BotMap you gotta load the party thread first, you can check how it’s done and do it in default.dbj.

  2. Don’t use packet casting, it only works client side and not server side.

  3. No, not sure you can still do that anyway