Project Diablo 2 d2bs guide (! patched since January 21, 2021)

I made a little Guide here: Project Diablo 2 d2bs guide (! patched since January 21, 2021) - D2Bot Forums
Write a comment if you have further problems.

“Project Diablo 2” Season 3 Bot?

Has anyone been able to run a bot on the new Season 3? I found some tutorials, none of them worked. Tried Kolbot for 1.14D following a guide here on this community, but didn’t worked as well. Kolbot 1.13d not working as well. D2SB with OOG for 1.13c ( no luck here as well ). Any suggestions?

all depends on what d2 server are you trying to play.
the default d2 server should work, like is described in

AS i said i am playing the Project Diablo 2 server and not the default Diablo 2 server. I know it will work in the default server.

here I saw only the guide, but that was patched some time ago, like some of the users said -

Ye it has been patched already and doesn’t work anymore. If anyone knows some way of running any bot, please reply.

Okay I have tried installing 1.12 official Diablo II using legit CD keys, updated to 1.13c and added patch_d2.mpq from PD2. I can login, but when I get in game it drops me saying “Connection has been interrupted”. Tried to add the other files, still can get in game, but after a couple of seconds it displays a message that I am using outdated client version and that I should launch the game via the PD2 Loader. It seems like they implemented some packet when entering the game. Any ideas here?

anyone have information about working Kolbot /d2bs for Project diablo 2 seasson 10?

DISCORD - custoss_