Can I play Leader manually with bot followers?

Can I play Leader manually with bot followers?

I got to know how to play bot leader with bot followers,
but I want to play leader manually and using maphack (like using D2BotMap script)
How can I do that??

Your kind reply.

maybe it’s better to check

and you can have followers bots, check the page

Thank you for your reply, mf22.

Maybe it doesn’t work If I start from level1 at act1??

Your kindness.

it will work w/e level have your toons.

In game you can have max 8 chars/same IP, so you can use 7 followers with different classes. All you need is different and viable d2+lod keysets.

Anytime you can use break/pause key for any follower and to play with it in its d2 window, then resume it to follow your leader. Maybe you have a sorceress as follower and you wanna teleport on some areas. Or you can pause them to get mercs, equip chars/mercs, a.s.o.
With more followers you can set 1 follower to collect runes, other to pick-up gems, a.s.o.

Thanks a lot, mf22

Yeah, I have some keys.

With reference to the manual you introduced,
I have edited character config as below

Config.Leader = “Leader sorc name”
Scripts.Follower = true;
LocalChat: {
Enabled: true,
Toggle: false,
Mode: 2

And I have played as a level1 leader(D2Botmap),
then I made tp and press enter, next typed “1”,
but it doesn’t work.
level1 followers have continued to stay in town.(near way point)

Thanks your kindness

for local chat you should use the manual.js, because it will load the whole config, and
d2botmap doesn’t.

you should set in char config

	Config.LocalChat.Enabled =true; // enable the LocalChat system
	Config.LocalChat.Toggle = false; // optional, set to KEY value to toggle through modes 0, 1, 2
	Config.LocalChat.Mode = 2; // 0 = disabled, 1 = chat from 'say' (recommended), 2 = all chat (for manual play)

so your leader (D2BotMap) used the server chat, and follower(s) the local chat.

Yaaay! I did it!

This ladder seems to be very enjoyable!!

Thank you your helpful support!

Mf22 needs a raise

Unfortunately the remaining d2 bot community is focused more on discord channels, on noah - jaenster servers, than on forum.
Maybe that is due to what have already happened in the past, with one by one closing of old d2 bot sites.

Some few others who are still providing support are active on, too.

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