Running dual bots

Ok, ive decided to start a second bot to run 2 chars in a single game.
Who wants to hold my hand and walk me through the process?

I have keys, computers, single IP (i plan to run the games 10-15 mins so as to not get the RD.

What I would like to know to start:
2 bots, same game, do I need to set one as leader and the other as follower?
what are the settings needed to make this happen.
Thanks in advance.

start with

not necessarily, but you can set them to do different quests, or just use MFTeam for other boss/area scripts, and Diablo and Baal at the end.

I struggled a bit with setting up multiple chars in one game. Ill gladly give you some starting advice, some of the stuff is probably not needed but my bots run very smooth now :wink: Im using a main char to farm the first bosses/areas, the other guys join in at CS and Throne.

  1. Make sure all characters you want to run work perfectly on their own. Create a profile for each of the chars and check that everything is okay independently (especially game creation, not dying all the time etc). The characters must be on separate game accounts.
  2. Choose one guy as the leader (I do this because of simplicity and because I never got MF Helper to work properly).
  3. Decide which areas you want to run with the leader, set it up (char config files) and test if everything runs smoothly.
  4. Configure the follower.dbj correctly (leader:follower setting especially)
  5. Manually add both characters to each others friendlist (no idea if it is necessary, but you will be able to see if both profiles are locked in from just one game window (“friend joined bnet” msg)).
  6. Check the “public games options” in the char configs and set the bots to invite each other, use local chat etc. (no idea if local chat is necessary/has benefits, im using it, its working so I dont see a need to change that).
  7. Make sure the leader runs leader.dbj in its profile and the other guy(s) run follower.dbj. Make sure they use different keys.
  8. I let the profiles join a custom channel (dont know if necessary, but I can see if everybody successfully joined).
  9. For starters, let the follower only help with CS and/or Throne. Make sure the leader opens the gates at the right place (start of CS, Star etc.). Check if your char configurations are set up correctly (if you configured the leader correctly as recommended in the upper points, you will only have to check the follower).
  10. Do some testruns to see if the bots communicate correctly, especially joining the same game, partying up, using TPs etc. If both bots run smooth on their own, those are the things you have to worry about when they play together.
  11. If everything works (and only then), start adding scripts to the follower, giving him additional areas, switch areas between leader/follower and always keep in check if they synch up at the right times. e.g. dont let the follower run an area that takes him forever so that he comes in “to late” for CS.

OK, I got everything set up (I think) but follower goes to “creat game” and just sits there. Where do I tell follower the game name and PW? (or how does he know what these are)
edit the D2BotFollow like in the example

Ok that did not help. I believe that example is dual bots on same PC.
So PC 1 (leader) creates game
Pc 2 (follower sits in “join games” and does nothing.

if you don’t have a different IP on the 2nd PC, the 2nd PC is useless.
you can run more profiles on the same PC with same result.

on different PCs LocalChat isn’t working either. MFTeam communication could have the the leader key muting result.

otherwise check the to join games.

2nd pc prevents lag, also I don’t need to install multiple instances of D2. So “2nd pc” is not “useless”
If the bot only works on single of, that answer would suffice and end the conversation.

that isn’t needed either. you only need different keysets, and to complete

You have wrong info.
I’m running 8 characters on the same PC, same game, same IP, 1 is manual played leader + other 7 followers HC ladder, with 1 single Diablo II folder (not installed see this post), and ofc 8 different keysets and 8 profiles on the same PC and same D2Bot manager.

And there is no lag? When I run 2 I notice considerable slower speeds.

with 7 followers it can happen desynchronization sometimes, so I can move a little my leader locally, but on server he is surrounded by followers and cannot move for the moment.
Anyway that desync can be bypassed.