Diablo IV ... is coming soon

In the next 2 weekends there will be Early Access, respectively Open Beta to Diablo IV, before the expected date of final release, on 6th June 2023.


I wish I could say that I’m excited, but Diablo 3 taught me a nasty lesson. I played quite a lot of D3, and I will play quite a lot of D4, but after just a few hours it just felt like every single thing was confirmation that it was not at all inspired by D2. It’s like they tried to create a game based on what people did in D2 rather than making another game with potential for people to find something to do within. Diablo 2 was like what a classic game would be, and Diablo 3 to that is like an actual arcade game based on Diablo.

Sorry. I am bitter.

I played it only today earlier, because until a couple of days I had an old version of Win 10 (2016 LTSB, released before the accepted 1903).
dissapointed … why Diablo IV is so similar with Diablo Immortal, which I stopped playing long time ago?