Hi there, i tried to install D2 with my old cds on my actual windows10 and didnt worked. I ve downloaded game client from blizzard, then i could play it at full screen in a modern hd monitor but im wondering if it is possible to run kolbot in my situation. Thx in advance.
d2 is running on 800x600 resolution. On windows 10 it’s running mostly windowed, otherwise it will crash.
If on your PC the full screen running is ok, it will be the same for using d2bs, in case of manual playing.
The botting d2 windows don’t need full screen and you can run in the same time many minimized d2lod windows .
d2bs(d2bot-with-kolbot) need 1.14d patched d2lod client.
well the client that u can download from blizzard runs at fullscreen, is needed to convert the old key set to a new one of 26 numbers each but anyways i tried and all works correctly
The old CDs installs 1.09 patch and it requires 16th alphanumeric keys. Since August 2018 you cannot use those 16 alphanumeric keys on the main d2 server, and you should convert them.
Digital installers need 26th alphanumeric keys, and they can be 1.12a or 1.14b (current download) patches.
But in any case, connecting with any installed version on the current d2 server, your d2 client will get the latest patch - atm 1.14d, which is required to run d2bot-with-kolbot.
The same result you’ll get using the 1.14d offline patching.