Failed to create game

Hey guys,

I’ve been running D2Bot with kolbot for the last couple weeks on my sorceress and I’ve been having great success and enjoying the process. I got automule, mule logger, and limedrop set up and they work fantastically. Last night I decided to try to have the bot do some normal baal runs with my growing amazon during my sleep while my sorceress simultaneously ran her usual schedule (2AM-6AM, 7AM-11AM, 2PM-5PM, and 8PM-11PM). I staggered them slightly so they hopefully wouldn’t be creating games immediately on top of each other.

For a while everything ran fine, but then first one bot then the other got stuck in failed to create game. When the mule logger came on from 11:05-11:50 it also was stuck in failed to create game and didn’t do any logging :frowning: I have 3 CD keys, which from my understanding should be enough to run 2 bots and an automule. I’m thinking my problem must be with exceeding server limits in some way or another, but I’ve heard of people running far more than 2 bots, so I’m wondering how do I avoid this failed to create game issue?

Edit: Additional information: D2Bot version and game times for both bots are around 20 minutes with the exception of times when the bot chickens.

Is this on west?


Edit: It’s happening today with just my normal bot schedule running. And it didn’t run last night. It’s weird, seems like I got flagged or something.

Check logs to see if you hit a string or chickens or something that triggered it. Seems like some behavior triggered it.

I didn’t notice any string of chickens, but it does seem like the issue was prompted by excessive creation of games. I think maybe when I was setting up the config for the second bot, I had it start & quit too frequently in the same time period, and then the bot chickened a couple times on top of that and created the issue.

I haven’t had any problems since I last posted, so I think it’s all resolved now. I did make a couple config changes that seem to have helped. I applied D2BotLeadStagger.dbj to my main two bots and I increased the delays after circumstances like failed to join game. Now I run both of them simultaneously close to 24/7 with very few issues.

Thank you for creating such an effective bot, I’m enjoying using it a lot :slight_smile:

One issue that I’ve noticed that doesn’t bother me too much, but I thought you might be interested in hearing about is that my sorceress bot crashes fairly frequently (approximately once every 5 runs or so) compared to my hammerdin which crashes much less frequently, at a rate closer to once every 20 runs. I attached an image of my runs log for your reference. The one on top is the sorceress :stuck_out_tongue: The crashes aren’t isolated to any particular run, it seems they just happen randomly sometimes. I’ve seen crashes on the Pit, Ancient Tunnels, Mephisto, Diablo, and Pindleskin. Maybe others that I’m not remembering. My sorceress is substantially slower at killing than my hammerdin, so I thought maybe the difference in crashes per run is simply related to her doing runs slower and being in games for a longer amount of time.