Is there a way to use my secondary hand only while teleporting( 2x Wizardspike) and to attack and cast spells with my primary hand?
this is my config -
Thanks in advance!
Is there a way to use my secondary hand only while teleporting( 2x Wizardspike) and to attack and cast spells with my primary hand?
this is my config -
Thanks in advance!
I have found a way to configure it with my build.
config - // Barbarian config file/* Brief instructions: * Notepad++ is HIGHLY recom -
In Attacks/Barbarian.js changed the minimum distance to 3 from 30 (line 202) and removed the delay in the corpse loop(line 223).
In common/Attack.js line 460 I’ve added
if (Config.FindItemSwitch) { Attack.weaponSwitch(Attack.getPrimarySlot() ^ 1); }
this check in order to change from my wizzardspikes hand to my dmg/mf hand(grief + pb x6 ist) every time my char is about to attack a minion.
I hope somebody find this useful
Config.TeleSwitch =true; // Switch to secondary (non-primary) slot when teleporting more than 5 nodes.
should be in your config file.
that’s worthless