Followers don't follow the leader

Is there a system so that the follower is always with the leader ?. They only accompany me when they reach certain points.
I need that the followers always follow the leader ,Thank you

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Hi. are you playing leader manualy?

No. i am not playing leader manualu.

You should have line 155 in your char config file:
Scripts.Follower = true ;

Sry it is for manually played leader!

There shouldnt be an issue if
Scripts.Follower = true ;
Config.Leader = β€œβ€; // name is CaSe SeNsItIE
Config.PublicMode = 2;

are configed right.
when follower joins game it says Leader found. Then partied once it joins. Don’t type a. it will turn off follower ability to attack and they will only follow.