I tried “baals minion”, “lister”, “the tormentor”, various numerics etc. I looked through the monster class id list and began to pinpoint him/them by starting with a [0, 1, …703] list, cutting it in half, checking what happened, but then I thought why not just ask here?
My Baal runs is most important for the upcoming ladder reset, where I will be the first one to sell a high rune (from Mausoleum) on d2jsp for a good amount of forum gold. Leveling up to 25 has already been taken care of, I’ve rehearsed it and can do it in 3.5 hours.
you should try […, getLocaleString(21855)];
“Lister the Tormentor” should working too
check d2nt file getlocalestring.txt
A well equipped mercenary can help.
Other option is to set a botting team, with different characters, and sorceress can be the leader of the team using teleport to areas.
One thing to consider is If he is lightning enchanted, you might can’t static him because he is LI.
(Lightning Resist trough being enchanted: +75% and his base 53% in hell)
(even infinity -85/5= 128 -17 would not be enough to get him under 99%)