How do I static Lister The Tormentor and his dinosaur friends?

I tried “baals minion”, “lister”, “the tormentor”, various numerics etc. I looked through the monster class id list and began to pinpoint him/them by starting with a [0, 1, …703] list, cutting it in half, checking what happened, but then I thought why not just ask here?

My Baal runs is most important for the upcoming ladder reset, where I will be the first one to sell a high rune (from Mausoleum) on d2jsp for a good amount of forum gold. Leveling up to 25 has already been taken care of, I’ve rehearsed it and can do it in 3.5 hours.

you should try […, getLocaleString(21855)];
“Lister the Tormentor” should working too
check d2nt file getlocalestring.txt

A well equipped mercenary can help.
Other option is to set a botting team, with different characters, and sorceress can be the leader of the team using teleport to areas.

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“Lister the Tormentor” works. My sorc’s static list: Config.StaticList = [“Andariel”, “Duriel”, “Mephisto”, “Diablo”, “Baal”, “Lister the Tormentor”];

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One thing to consider is If he is lightning enchanted, you might can’t static him because he is LI.
(Lightning Resist trough being enchanted: +75% and his base 53% in hell)

(even infinity -85/5= 128 -17 would not be enough to get him under 99%)

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