Sorc won't Static Duriel

Also I don’t think it statics Diablo either.

I have tried many different ways in the static list, using the numbers, using the name, using with and without quotations. No matter what I try I cannot get sorc to static Duriel. What is the dealio here, anyone know?

Could you post that line? Here is mine, confirmed working just now

Config.StaticList = [“Andariel”,“Duriel”,“Mephisto”,“Diablo”,“Baal”];

[“Andariel”, “Duriel”, “Mephisto”, “Diablo”];

I’ll try it without the spaces like yours.

This is also in Classic if that makes any difference.

I’ve got the same problem, it seems Duriel is not recognized either for static or CustomAttack. It works fine with every other boss.
I’m also playing in classic.

Alright, she will static all the bosses except Andariel and Duriel. Have tried numerous different things. It does work on Diablo. I am truly stumped.

Indeed it doesn’t work on Andariel either.

It definitely seems like a classic issue, I tried CustomAttack (which I guess uses the same mechanism) in LoD and it perfectly works with my setup.

I’ve found a fix, we just have to replace
ClassAttack.doCast(target, Config.AttackSkill[1], Config.AttackSkill[2]);
in both Andariel and Duriel scripts.

I’m still not sure why the first function works properly in LoD but not in classic.

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Ahhh this is good news!! Thank you. I will have to give it a try, will report back!

This indeed works perfectly. It also doesn’t seem to affect anything adversely that I can tell in LOD. Thank you!!

I looked into this, classic uses different attack routine than LOD. I would classify this as a bug that should be fixed in kolbot.

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