Shutting up the bot

I see people running scripts and their bots aren’t talking in public games and I was wondering how.

My Diablo.js and Baal.js script were edited , most stuff is out.

I am running diablohelper baalassistant + mfhelper act1 - act 3 stuff

everything works perfectly except the bots talk alot. The config.leader always says each step in the game…

clear countess
council 83
kill242 … and so on.

How do I make it stop ? I’d like to put my bots in public games so i can get more people in my games. But I’d love it if the bots could shut up loll

you should enable local chat in config files on mode 1 or 2

Do you need to use mfhelper? Unless your leader is teleporting to a certain boss and using townsitting helpers to kill the boss/clear the area, you don’t need it. You don’t need it at all for baal or diablo.

Try turning it off and just using the diablo helper / baal helper scripts for the helpers while running the normal boss script for the leader.