Diablohelper + MfHelper

I am curently running D2botlead + D2botfollow

I can make rushee/rusher work perfectly, I can run leech runs perfectly but for some reason when ever I use script.diablohelper = true it never works. in game in the console it says Diablohelper doesn’t exist but… diablohelper is in the bot folder with all other scripts. It says it doesnt exist then quit game.

For MFHelper what I wanted to do is diablo/baal run to lvl up my guy. I saw my pally was a bit slow clearing so I wanted to include my sorc to help out. So I put Mfhelper true on my sorc and as config.leader I put my pally as he is the one running around and killing shit. My high pally is config.mfleader = true. What happens is my sorc (mfhelper) joins the game but stays in act1 and waits for a command… so i guess it’s semi working. So I go on my high pally and send the command kill diablo. it switchs act and quit game…

my botlead is my low lvl guy and both d2botfollows are my high lvls guy join the game and such.

by default, MFHelper script is ended if leader’s area is Sanctuary(108) or Throne(131), because for those areas DiabloHelper.js and BaalHelper.js are more appropriate.

	Scripts.DiabloHelper = true;

otherwise, maybe you have an error on your scripts or in your config file. Try to re-download or use SVNUpdate. Re-complete your char config.

Thanks for the info

When you say to re-download, do you mean everything ? It’s so long to enter all the cdkeys in the d2bot :joy:

I’ll try that hope it works ! It’s the only thing that doesn’t seem to work for me, automule works great, same for rushing 1-2-3 chars at same time or just leeching chaos/baals runs.

some things which are working fine can be safe stored (backuped), like are cdkeys.json, profile.json, schedules.json, d2bs.ini, a.s.o.

after downloading with tortoiseSVN, later SVNUpdate could be enough, eventually some conflicts have to be resolved manually from time to time, if some updates are made on your customized scripts.

Everything works perfectly now ! Thank you very much

Just got a simple question now with my config for automule something is wrong and I dont see it.


Is it possible to reduce reaction time between bots ? My leader opens up tp and starts killing fast while the other two followers take a good 30 sec to go in. which sometimes seems to bug

using Esprima: Syntax Validator I found line 21, and you should add square brackets for multiple profiles

			stopProfile: ["profile1", "profile2"],

this was on PR table MFHelper refactoring. by ryancrunchi · Pull Request #1188 · kolton/d2bot-with-kolbot · GitHub
maybe some of the things there can be applied

I found another solution for MFHelper on: