Hi @LL!
After 5 year break, I started D2 again and saw that Etal vanished.
That was where I last was working on Teleporting Shapeshifter, what worked after some telling me Etal can’t do it.
Now in Kolbot I see similar ways the shaping and teleporting is handled. But very fast you can see a problem, especially when you turn teleport off! Bot keeps constantly shifting, sometimes even right in front of a fana mob. No wonder still no shape bots around.
So I started working on this issue and got it solved for me for now. The code is ugly and needs someone who actually knows what to do and where.
I never learned this, so I mostly look at code and trial and error my way through it while bot is running^^
I got the bot to use cta hand as precast without swapping between slots(currently no check for better skill, I need skilltab number for corresponding skills to check).
This a must imo for any melee and is not handled for all skills.
I got bot to stay in shape until he need to do something he can’t do while shaped!
I changed the skill hand usage to always use rightclick not left(this needs a code to click on empty tile behind the targeted unit or empty tile in front of hero and holdclick, so every other monster in the path will get auto attacked.)
I need turned of teleport for this testing, to use this with teleport I need help with distance calls and area clearing, to find right balance between tele and walk(original is tele to 10 and walk everything at 5, if I read the code right)
I would prefer something like teleport only for area changes or more then 30-40.
the main thing I did was adding this at the right positions(I think^^).
if(me.getState(139) || me.getState(140)){
if(!me.getState(139) || !me.getState(140)){
It woks, but my guess is someone can write something global to handle it, like the teleport funktion it self. My code had to go all over the place and I have not tested Teleporting for now(started this 3 days ago).
Any help will be appreciated.
Regards Hama