Connecting to the fastest server

Hey party people,

i have a problem to start the kolbot.
First things first, i install the kolbot like the instructions.
i make a profile, keys and acc.
all done, first problem was the update problem.
i fixxed that problem by reading help lists.
Now the next problem whitout any usefull working answer.
If i start the bot, the game starts logg in and stuck at “connecting to the fastes server”.
Whitout the bot no problems to connect and play dia.
if you google that problem theres much answer about the firewall that i tryd, but doesnt fix that problems.

Any ideas for my problem`?


check my next message

Don’t make duplicate topics of the same thing… you will get an answer when you get an answer.

I never ran this bot but you may want to check some of the standard things.

Hosts file looks like a WI does XP issue, unless it’s part of the .Lua within this bot.

Check that you are connecting to the correct realm or if it’s being routed thru a local host

You may have to check your router as well to make sure the proper ports are open (but highly unlikely if your able to connect fine without). Think it’s like 9003 or something…

If it says your having issues connecting to the fastest server you may need to increase the timer as your getting a temp soft ban with the connection. If there are multiple connections going (IE - the game is already running under another process), that may create conflicts. Make sure the bit is under the primary connection.

Depending If the bot is needing specific version files, you may also want to check your .MPQs. they should be on the cds or if downloaded, it may just include it into the download normally now… – should be put into the root folder for the game, if not perhaps added into the bots folder. Check proper versions of the mpqs / bot files.

Also, make sure all the necessary files are set to run as administrator and nothing lower.

I added and updated the d2 servers.