Dia doesn't spawn with LightSorc // how to initiate clearing run 2x

It seems like my light Sorc is not clearing CS properly. In some games, Diablo doesnt appear, even though the seal are activated (I believe if you miss some/certain monsters while clearing, Diablo doesnt appear).

After watching the bot for some runs, the problem seem to be the souls. If the spawn/move outside of the map, the bot cant kill them properly (light res …). Normally, the Merc helps clearing, but outside of the map that doesn’t work. Bot tps away, leaves mob behind, Diablo doesnt spawn …

Is there a way to start a second clearing round or solve the issue in another way? I am using a light sorc until I can afford a pala, which should be able to clear more reliably, but I would love to see a way to do it with the sorc.

uncomment this line in the config

	Config.SkipException = [getLocaleString(2851), getLocaleString(2852), getLocaleString(2853)]; // vizier, de seis, infector

maybe this should be set

	Config.TeleStomp = true;

What does the the first line do?

And for TeleStomp: If I have dodge on, will that be overwritten for that part of will the Bot Stomp on the mob/boss and then dodge again?

I will try both later today, thank you very much for your answer!

all lines in the config have description/explanation in comments.
for that line check the previous line.

// Uncomment the following line to always attempt to kill these bosses despite immunities and mods
	Config.SkipException = [getLocaleString(2851), getLocaleString(2852), getLocaleString(2853)]; // vizier, de seis, infector

thanks again. This only affects the Bot if it is set to skip if something is immune?
My body doesnt skip immune units.

Config.TeleStomp = true;
I thought this only affects bosses, seems to affect all units :wink:

Thank you very much, ill try later and report back!

Little Update:
The TeleStomp makes my scared little Sorc Chicken out a lot more.
Skipping some Diablos now and then seems to be the lesser evil. Thanks for your help!

Ill make some gear changes in a view days, maybe then stuff will change, again, Ill report back.

maybe you should try to add a bo barb in your game, only to buff your sorc with life/mana/defense.
check a modded battleorders script.

Thats seems like a nice idea, but I think it’s way to much effort (especially because im planning to upgrade my char, which should help kill faster). From what I saw over the last view days, every 5th Diablo or so is skipped, I think that is totally acceptable. There should be a very easy way to initiate a second CS loop and at it to the point where the bots skips Diablo if it doesnt appear. Ill go through the code and see what I can find =).

Infinity will help with those pesky immune. Tele stomp uses tele to move merc in closer, but it wont work if you have dodge set too close. Set dodge range to 25, tele stomp to true, and false to avoid immune. best case scenario is add in firebolt until you get the infinity.

Thanks for your answer. I finally added a Hammadin to my runs yesterday and now the cleaning is way more smoother.

With telestomp the sorc chickend way to often, but maybe that was because I didnt set dodge high enough. Maybe I will try that out of curiosity :wink: