Multi Botting - How do I go about this?

Hey Team!
Thanks so much for getting into this with me.
I have 3 license keys for D2, on 3 separate Bnet accounts.
I have the Follow/Lead profiles all Set up (Following the youtube tutorials, so i hope it is right)

When one logs in, the one thats online loses connection.
i feel like im doing something wrong, i just cant place it. could you reach out and help?

Please keep in mind, i am not a coder, so i will need to be explained to in lehmans.

Thanks so much in advance for any help i can get.

open up d2bot
click “keys” on the left hand side
On the bottom left, there is a box with a plus symbol next to it. Click the box. Create a name and click the plus sign to create a keylist. To run multiple bots at once, you need multple keylists. I put one key per list.
Name the key what ever you want, and type in the classic and expansion keys
Repeat this process for each key naming it something different each time

hey @Bobbyjose,
Thanks for the input. thats all set up. i have each key in its own keylist, and a different keylist selected for each profile, as the instructions indicated. also have 3 separate installations with the 3 different paths selected in each profile does the bot require a VM or something along those lines?

1 x d2 botting folder is enough
Did you check the

You only need 1 path from 1 installation. No you don’t need a VM. I have mine set up for the mpq file setup and never tried manually putting in the keys because back when i bought my keys there wasn’t the option to do it this way. it should work the same. I don’t have any of my keys saved anymore so I can’t test it out good luck.

If you do the mpq file set up you need a way to convert your key to an mpq file… need to download a program that can do this
name that file what ever you want (d2key.mpq is the original and is the one your bot uses if you don’t put anything for a keylist)
when making your key list make sure the key name within the list matches what ever you named your .mpq file. You can name your key list what ever you want.

i have everything set up exactly to the guide shared by @mf22 as well as all the settings by the from the video. i get disconnections and servers down regularly. (I’m not using MPQs as I can not find a program to make them)
all 3 keys are manually added, which according to the training video posted by kolbot forever, this should be enough.

i have switched my launch path to be all the same path, with the keys as the only differential, then set up the Follow/lead profiles. however, i cant stop getting server downs when i have multiple instances running.

(it is likely a good idea to mention this only happens when i am running multibot. the bot works perfectly fine running one at a time, regardless of the profile)

again, thankyou for any insights @mf22 and @Bobbyjose

maybe, you need to increase the default timers, if you are using only 1 IP.

thanks @mf22,

trying to figure out what these even do? I already have 3 legit keys im using. i dont need a key generator, which is what these look to be. (perhaps im wrong, but again, im extremely new to this whole thing, so i dont fully understand the lingo)

perhaps you could elaborate? do you have a suggested timer? if im trying to do trist runs, and set up a default timer, will my leader wait for my other bots to join before starting? there are so many more questions this raises.
*** Also, i have done a CTRL+F, which does not locate any records of the term Default Timer. is there another thing this is named?***

I’m terribly sorry for being a pest about it all, its my first bot that doesn’t have a Settings Hud, and im not a programmer. i REALLY appreciate what you have been doing to help me.

You create loader keys (working with every d2 loader), which contain the info of the plain keys you have. You don’t generate new ones.
For ones is easier to use the loader keys - key1.mpq, key2.mpq, … instead of using the 26th char strings keys
Use any format is ok for you.

About timers, you should avoid shorter games, because some d2 servers have a limited number of new games/h, …
You could find the timers in :

@mf22 thanks for helping so much. i have figured out what is triggering the Server Downs and Disconnects on the Game side of things. Even when multiboxing normally, it appears i am not allowed to have 2 characters from the same account in the Game Select screen at the same time. so when I Load the Bots, they boot the other bots out of d2 server. (The characters I am using are on the same account)

Is there a script around the idea of “Wait for {Character name} before starting run” concept?

It’s a bad idea to use for botting different characters from same accounts.

The characters should wait in games, not in the lobby. But something could run wrong anytime in this case. If game crashes, all characters will arrive in the lobby in the same time, and they will be disconnected.

try to use different accounts, even for mules.
