Break the clearing


So after a few months of botting i’ve decided to update the bot.
Done that and got the basic working again.

However every time I try to do Pit or AT I get the message “break the clearing… (current place)”
Anyone knows what the problem can be?

Running 2 Channel bots + 1 leader

It happens with MFHelper when your leader goes into a different area than your follower. To change this behavior add the following line in your char config, under Scripts.MFHelper for example:
Config.MFHelper.BreakClearLevel = false;

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that was added to make the MFHelper chars to switch the fighting area in the same time with the teleporting leader, including tombs

This should only apply when using MFHelper/MFleader right? right now I am using neither of these.

this line shows the required conditions to break the clearing