Tombs MFHelper problem

i’m running a leader with 6 leechers, they all have their own script before doing mfhelper and then dia / baal helper. it’s all running well.
i tried to add the tombs’ script, and the problem is that the followers wait at tp never going in. So the leader does all the tombs by himself while the 6 others chill around !

they’re all set Config.ClearType = 0
they are all mfhelping while tomb

would it be a way to make the helpers taking any tp of the leader even when the latter has begun a map ?
(if they come to late for outer step, they wait until the next map (cow here)) it’s inconvenient but it is not such a matter as for the tombs^^

thanks for your help !

According to line 19 of Tombs.js the leader, who is set MFLeader in config, has to open tp in every tomb and say("clearlevel " + …) , according to lines 862-865 of Attack.js.

Are you using LocalChat in mode 1 for all chars ?

indeed it opens a tp every tomb and says it.
and the mfer arrive to late

i set it that way and i’m gonna try
Config.LocalChat.Enabled = true;
Config.LocalChat.Toggle = true;
Config.LocalChat.Mode = 1

it was false / fasle / 0^^
thx for that first

It doesnt work either.
The leader goes tomb, the followers enter and do the first tomb.
Then the leader changes tomb, while followers go to town.
They dont have enought time to go to town before the leader opens a new tp and says clear tomb.

So the leader clears the second tomb, changes, opens tp and says clear tomb in the third one, but the followers still help it town !

maybe the leader should return to town between each tomb ?
noting that the foolow work with eldrich, shenk, and dark farrrel, the leader not going to town between tp

Tombs.js is written for using Canyon of the Magi between tombs.
if leader goes to town, that Tombs.js should be changed.

otherwise, I saw that the follower taking tp on “clearlevel” command in lines 220-226 of MFHelper.js will be executed during the 5 seconds. So maybe you should try to replace those lines with

					while (!Pather.usePortal(player.area, {
						me.overhead("ÿc1Failed to use leader portal.");

						if (playerAct !== me.act) {


grr i tried differents ways to put these line some where but cant figure it out. Mf helper doenst work att all.

can we just change these 5 secondes ^^?

And the leader tombs using the canyon, so it’s right
thx again :slight_smile:

If i pause the leader after entering a new tomb and repeat manually clearlevel…, the followers come in.

The leader teles too fast in a new tomb, the followers cant make it to town before the new tp / command

Have the leader walk the tombs instead of tele.

  • I posted the replacement for the indicated lines:

	Scripts.Tombs = {NoTele: true};

Yes i replaced these lines but i got : mfhelper not included.
I also updated my bots files and tried your line. Doesnt work either. He continues tele’ing

if we could just make him repeat the ClearSentence 20 sec after he entered his tp, would be perfect.
If no, then i’ll go without tomb :wink:
Really big thanks for helping me

weird. try to add before line

		Pather.teleport = false;

use and share a link to your MFHelper paste. it can be the changed file - that is not working for you, like I’ve suggested.

well at least i could make that work^^

editing in some min, how pather.teleport = false works
the pala doesnt tele but the problem remains, they wont go to the tp 5motimes they do)

now i replace the 4 stranges A by 4 ÿ

oula ^^
i use that

using step by step the dl advices

i’ll try your not a bit later, thx again

this file is like the default with ÿc (diablo 2 colors) distorted.
ÿ = ALT + 152

there are more than 4

how do you downloaded the bot?

those changes should work - like in the right sight

that wiki is outdated.

long time ago we started a documentation repository with updated guides, like -

the Config.NoTele was added in the new repository Add NoTele param [default: false] by jmichelsen · Pull Request #3 · blizzhackers/kolbot · GitHub

i did, copying, all the pastbin / only what you colored / even typiing manually. None worked ^^ failed to include mfHelper

should i just re install kolbot with the link you gave me ?

check these steps

Too much unknows there for me, so i just reinstalled everything using
in tortoise.
There is no difference and if i replace the lines by yours, it sill doesnt work.
But i found a way. Every ones arrive more or less at the same moment at tomb and they all catch up quite quickly.
After the tombs i then use mfHelper witch works well every where else.
If you want to try to understand why its doenst work, i can help you^^ If you dont want to bother anymore, i get it. Maybe i just do something wrong :stuck_out_tongue:
Anyway thanks a lot for your time ! how could i help u a bit with my time ?

I discovered a bug with MFHelper in tombs, because leader will say the same getArea().name = “Tal Rasha Tomb” in any tomb in old line 864 (now 867) of Attack.js:

				say("clearlevel " + getArea().name);

, and it won’t be executed for 2nd - 7th tombs, because it’s the same command, due to old line 141(now 151) from MFHelper.js:

			if (command !== oldCommand) {

maybe, I’ll add a new pull request related to MFTeam.

i’m glad that u figured it out …