Mfhelper Help

I have a leader an then a helper. I was wanting to know if it is possible to change the script so that the helper can skip certain areas. For example, I want them to skip Ancient tunnels as they always get stuck their as the helper does not have teleport, but I want them to follow the rest of the run.


the scripts you wanna skip with MFHelper should be moved at the end of leader’s config file (with cut and paste), by example before Diablo script in act 4, which is by default the end of MFHelper.

then you should edit the MFHelper.js (check around default lines 174-177), by adding those areas before 108 and 131, so an example for xxx area (check sdk\areas.txt) will be:

			// Finish if leader is in chaos or throne
			if ([xxx, 108, 131].indexOf(player.area) > -1) {

the MFHelper script will be ended, and if DiabloHelper is set, then the leecher should wait the leader to make tp in act 4