I am struggling with tristram runs with my leader and leecher.
They both join the same game, getting partied but when tp is up for leecher he is just standing next to it and doing nothing (When i enter him by myself he will follow leader - but i dont want to do that all the time). Can some just show me setting for that? I tried literally everything combination and im confused now.
Yeah, same thing happed to me. My follower often entered the second time a TP came up (when my leader ran out of potions and was going to town).
I ended up making him an MFHelper instead, buying good armor for him, and setting attack skill to something other than -1 or he’ll just turn back after entering the TP.
Problem then was he got stuck a while at Rakanishu before following into Tristram, and most of Tristram was cleared when he got there.
So I set my leaders attack skill to 0, normal attack, to slow her down. But I guess you probably could modify the Tristram script to skip Rakanishu.
Scripts.Tristram = true;
Config.Tristram.WalkClear = true; // Disable teleport while clearing to protect leechers
Config.Tristram.PortalLeech = true; // Set to true to open a portal for leechers.